Current World Population 2025 June. The current population of china is 1,425,238,086 as of friday, may 17, 2025, based on worldometer elaboration of the latest united nations data 1. Total population, as of 1 january (thousands) total population, as of 1 july.
Population growth estimates from the current year up to 2100 for the entire population of the world. As of 2025, there are 4,079,164,815, or 4,079 million, or 4.08 billion males in the world, representing 50.24% of the world population.
Interwoven Lives, Threads Of Hope.
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Demography, Population Pyramid, Age Pyramid, Aging, Retirement, World, 2025.
As of 2025, there are 4,079,164,815, or 4,079 million, or 4.08 billion males in the world, representing 50.24% of the world population.
Data Based On The Latest United Nations Population Division Estimates.
Images References :
Data Based On The Latest United Nations Population Division Estimates.
The population of world in 2023 was 8,045,311,447, a 0.88% increase from 2022.
The Population Of The World Is Projected To Increase By 102,721,646 People In 2025 And Reach 8,250,423,615 In The End Of The Year.